Who Am I
An Episcopal priest with 50 years in parish ministry. In my ministry some have said Ed you don’t, preach or act a priest. I would ponder this and decided I am Father Out, maybe outside the main stream, hence the web sight.
Reflection 1
I am retired with time to think and remember. At my age remember quick or you forget. One Sunday stepping out of the shower into the bed room I paused, my wife said what is wrong and I answered I can’t remember and she answered until you do put some clothes on. We live in a retirement community in NC. One word I have disscoved is NO, it is alittle word but freeing. I don’t have to plan services go to vestry meeting or answer the phone late at night, voice mail is great. Getting old is not for sisses. one has to slow down be careful or one might fall. In our church we do not have a doctrine of purgatoy, but I have discovered one its called assisted living, or assisted dying..